A Simple Combinatorial Problem and Related Thoughts

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Problem: If the decimal expansion of a contains all 10 digits (0,...,9), then the number of length n strings (shorted as n-strings) is greater than n+8.

If you’ve established the simple lemma, the solution is instant. Otherwise very impossible.

Lemma: The number C_n of n-strings is strictly greater than C_{n-1}, that of n-1-strings.
Actually,  we always have C_n \ge C_{n-1}: Every n-1-string corresponds to an n-string by continuing 1 more digit. The map is clearly injective. If C_n=C_{n-1}, it is bijective, meaning we have a way to continue uniquely, which means rationality. Rigidly, at least one of the n-1-strings occurs infinitely, but all digits after some n-1-string is totally determined by it. So if an n-1-string appears twice, it must appear every such distances, and so do the digits between.

(Further discussion: For a rational number, split it into a finite part, and a recurring part. If the minimal length of recurring string is n, then any m-string starting in the recurring part has exactly n variations, if m \ge n. Additional variations brought by the finite irregular part is finite (regardless of m), as the starting point is finite. So C_n in this case is not decreasing but bounded. So it reaches some certain number and stays stable. In a purely recurring case, the number is exactly n (meaning afore-defined).

Now C_n \ge C_{n-1}+1 \ge ... \ge 9+1, as 10 > 9=1+8 holds, the problem is solved.

This may not be really hard. But the most important thing is to see the principle behind it.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

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